This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament
Petition Remove liquid restrictions for operating air crew at all UK airports
Remove pointless liquid restrictions for already highly vetted and cleared working air crew operating from all UK airports. There can be no sense in denying someone, who has full unfettered access to the controls of an aircraft in flight, the ability to bring water to work.
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Currently there are no liquid restrictions for operating pilots or cabin crew in any other EASA member state, as long as they're screened, meaning they can bring unlimited personal liquids onto a flight which originates elsewhere in Europe and then subsequently enters UK airspace, but crew who originate in the UK can't reciprocate. This makes absolutely no sense and denies crew access to their own drinks and certain foods when the options to obtain them "airside" can be very limited.
This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website