This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament
Petition Require all teachers to be trained in special needs & hold regular training days
I have a son with additional needs and I thought half my battle was won with a diagnosis, however a lot of teachers still don’t know a lot about additional needs and I think that every child should have someone fighting their corner.
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As far as I have been able to search and speak to people you do not need any SEN training to become a teacher unless you are training to be come an SEN teacher, I feel that all teachers should have at least basic knowledge of SEN and keep up to date with regular training days at least once a year, this is to help recognise SEN that may other wise go unrecognised, and to give every child a chance to equal learning, and access to the curriculum.
This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website