This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Review Section 3z(b) of the Road Traffic Act

My son was killed whilst walking home. He was hit by a driver with no UK licence or insurance. He has a previous conviction for driving without licence and insurance. The police case against him using Section 3z(b) Causing death whilst driving without licence or insurance was rejected by CPS

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As the police were trying for prosecution under section 3z(b) they didn’t lodge a case for simply driving without licence and insurance so at the end of the appeal this repeat offender of Road traffic law who killed my son whilst driving illegally walks away with no criminal record or indeed any further Road Traffic convictions. I am certain that the CPS were not keen to prosecute due to previous cases such as R vs Hughes where the Supreme Court suggested that there had to be more “causation” than just driving on the road (even if this was being done illegally ) The causation the police proposed was driving with dipped beam and no knowledge of Highway Code

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

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