This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 Conservative government

Petition Stop private contracting out of health-related assessments for DWP benefits

The day before he died my brother said "I am going to die and I'm still not sick enough to get PIP". This really has to end. Now! 17k+ dead in 6 years waiting for benefit decisions. I believe the system is related to many suicides, and accelerated deaths (my brother included)

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I believe there have been multiple lies on reports, claimants made to do tasks which cause pain
STOP using private companies like Atos and Maximus, save up to £631 million over the next two years alone. Review £51+ million to Citizens Advice to help clients, while agreeing NOT to “unfairly” criticize govt.
Replace with
a) Nothing – awards made on basis of application alone
b) Revert to the fairer assessment system that was in place under DLA - a more informal DWP face to face assessment taking into account the medical reports from the claimant's own medical professionals.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

6,234 signatures

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