This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Give Intersex People protection under the Equality Act

There are many intersex conditions and some are told at birth, some going through puberty and some when they are trying to have children
some people don't find out at all. I found out at 31!!
Shame and Stigma is attached and we need to break this and the only way to do this is to change the law!

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1.7 % of the worlds population are Intersex, (2% have naturally red hair) as an Intersex person myself I am aware of the stigma and the shame that we go through.
Transgender people are given specific protection under the equality act, but Intersex people are not.
Intersex people are the same as you, Inter means between so Intersex people are between the sexes of male and female.
In Australia and New Zealand intersex people have more gender rights than in the UK.

Why not help us get the law changed by signing it.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

93 signatures

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