This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Amend Child Abduction Act to criminalise failure to return a child to UK.

A court's permission for a parent to take a child out of the UK facilitates child abduction. Case law states that failure to return a child to the UK is not a crime. This is not in the true spirit of the Child Abduction Act. Failure to return a child should be treated the same as taking them away.

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Case law clearly states that a criminal offence has not taken place were a child is taken out of the UK with the Courts permission and not returned. This is clearly a loophole, which is having a devastating impact on parents in the UK who suffer parental child abduction. The loophole in the child abduction act needs closing.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

111 signatures

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