This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Incentivise councils to plant native hedgerows around public spaces.

Natural areas have been in decline for decades and with more and more development it can only get worse. We ask that councils are given incentives by the government to plant native hedgerows in place of fencing off recreation grounds and other public areas.

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By creating native hedgerows wildlife could once again flourish. Field mice and small birds would feed on the berries produced and birds of prey would have a food source. Pollinators would also have additional forage which again is essential. Add into this the carbon capture of these plants and funding this project seems to make an enormous amount of sense. We ask that the government fund the any council who wishes to plant hedgerows. For the wildlife, for the environment.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

57 signatures

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