This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Call an election on the condition that another will still be called in 2022

We need another election to sort out the impasse in parliament, MPs in the chamber say that they are the elected representatives of the people but many of them are not adhering to what they were elected for, this is undemocratic and we the people should now decide who we think is best going forward

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Many MPs were elected on mandates that are no longer valid as they have not followed through with their promises to the people, they keep claiming that it’s ultimately them that should decide what should happen mainly surrounding Brexit because they are the ones people trusted to represent them which is no longer true on both sides of the argument people have been let down by their MPs and now it’s time things change and we get our say in the matter

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

70 signatures

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