This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Ban all building on land where developers illegally cut trees or habitat down

In a climate emergency trees are one of the most precious resources. Developers who illegally destroy them must be punished.

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Currently deterrents exist but the Government should require councils to prevent developers from building on land if they have illegally cut trees or habitat down. This would render the land valueless thus putting developers off doing it.

Trees are not something that is easy to replace and therefore we need hard deterrents to stop it being worth a developer taking a chance on destroying them. There are currently laws in place but we feel that a financial burden isn't enough for killing trees that are hundreds of years old. This alone would be enough to stop most cowboy developers from destroying nature.

Place covenants on any land that developers illegally cut trees or habitat down

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

59 signatures

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