
This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Rejected petition Make it a child’s right to be able to freely access water and toilets at school!

The UN’s Convention on the Rights of the Child states in article 3 that the best interest of the child is to be the primary consideration at all times and that institutions responsible for children’s care (ie schools) must conform with this. This right is often ignored!

More details

Children are often refused access to their water or to the toilet at times which means children are being refused the right to take care of their primary bodily needs, sometimes causing unnecessary suffering and damage to physical and mental health. Children should feel comfortable in school, having basic needs consistently met for happier and healthier children where they are then at their best for learning.Having set times for toilet and water can cause health problems or worsen existing ones.

This petition was rejected

Why was this petition rejected?

It’s about something that the UK Government or Parliament is not directly responsible for.

We can't accept your petition because the UK Government and Parliament aren't responsible for the issue you raise. This is a matter for individual schools and teachers.

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards.