This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Make political education a part of the national curriculum.

With the current Brexit saga, it should be the public deciding their future. But we've never been educated properly on politics, so how can we know what the right decision is? By making political education compulsory, like maths and English, the next generation will have a better understanding.

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Statistics show people want a political education. Since 2016's Brexit referendum, universities have seen a 28% surge in politics applications and in the Scottish independence referendum the turnout for 16-17 year olds was massive (80%!), showing that youths want to be involved. Yet only 40% of youths voted differently to their parents - because they lacked political education. If political education was compulsory, future generations would be better informed when participating in votes.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

54 signatures

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