This petition was submitted during the 2017–2019 Conservative government

Petition Creation of single-portal import and export guide for non-EU countries

Currently the procedures for importing and exporting products are deeply fragmented, with the information highly confusing, this is affecting small businesses who wish to export and import from the UK. I would ask the Government to create an easy-to-understand portal for easier trade facilitation

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As the United Kingdom prepares to exit the EU, it is vital that a single-portal guide is developed for non-EU countries which would enable small business to easily understand the import and export procedures, classified by products, associated regulations, correct point of contact, including the customs tariff. Currently this information is fragmented across the GOV UK website. This portal would act as a trade booster for the UK, for the country to trade with our neighbors and the world

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

10 signatures

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