This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Implement reforms made by education committees review on SEND.

A report released by the Education Committee today (Wednesday) recommends a series of measures to strengthen inspections, support parents going through the Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) process and ensure those responsible for SEND provision are held accountable when things go wrong.

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Recommendations include: 1) A more rigorous inspection framework for LAs, with clear consequences for failure. There should be a greater focus on SEND in school inspections. 2) A direct line for parents and schools to appeal directly to the DoE where LAs appear not to be complying with the law. 3) Powers for the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman to investigate complaints about schools. 4) The development of more employment and training opportunities for post-16 young people. 5) The Committee concludes that while the reforms to the support for children and young people contained in the Children and Families Act 2014 were the right ones, poor implementation has put local authorities under pressure, left schools struggling to cope and, ultimately, thrown families into crisis.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

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