This petition was submitted during the 2010-2015 parliament

Petition Campaign to Make Umbilical Cord Donation Available Nationally

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A baby's umbilical cord blood contains lifesaving stem cells that could be used to treat people suffering from a wide variety of diseases including leukaemia, sickle cell anaemia and other life threatening conditions.

CORD BLOOD SAVES LIVES; At present, you can only donate cord blood to the Anthony Nolan Cord Blood programme if you are booked for antenatal care at King’s College Hospital or The Royal Free Hospital in London, the Leicester Royal Infirmary and Leicester General Hospital. The NHS also runs a Cord Blood Bank where you can donate from a further six hospitals in Greater London, Barnet General, Northwick Park, Watford General, Luton & Dunstable, St Georges & University College Hospital.

I am petitioning the Government to make this service available to every hospital in the country.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

445 signatures
