This petition was submitted during the 2020-2024 Conservative government

Petition Repeal the 2013 and 2017 HS2 Hybrid Bills halting all HS2 works immediately.

All works on HS2 must stop immediately. A full review of the differences between what was originally approved and current project fundamentals must be carried out. The Acts should be repealed. All ministerial approvals made to date should be forensically investigated. A new vote is needed.

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The project being currently constructed does not fulfil the basis upon which the 2013 and 2017 Hybrid Bills were voted on and passed in particular on cost. Fundamental changes (e.g. speed and passenger numbers) deviate too far from what was approved.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

24,592 signatures

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Government responded

This response was given on 17 April 2020

The Government has decided that HS2 must go ahead to deliver essential North-South connectivity, greater capacity and shorter journey times alongside a revolution in local transport.

Read the response in full

As the Prime Minister announced on 11 February, the Government has decided that HS2 will go ahead, alongside a revolution in local transport. With the right reforms in place, HS2 will become the spine of the country’s transport network, bringing our biggest cities closer together, boosting productivity and rebalancing opportunity fairly across the country.

The Government’s decision to proceed follows careful consideration of Douglas Oakervee’s independent review into HS2, and wider evidence including the imminent Phase One full business case, environmental concerns, as well as a range of other views. This review was tasked with testing all the existing evidence on the project and considering, among other things: “how and whether to proceed” with HS2; its benefits and impacts; affordability and efficiency; deliverability; and strategic alternatives. The project has therefore only recently been subject to a fundamental review.

The Department understands the concerns raised by the public however, successive governments have affirmed their goal to invest in transport infrastructure to meet growing demand for north-south movement and to strategically rebalance the economy. Both the 2013 Paving Act (which was not a hybrid Bill) and the 2017 Phase One Act received strong cross-party support. This was particularly so in terms of the majorities that voted for the legislation. This continues to be the case for the Phase 2a hybrid Bill as it makes its way through Parliament. Only Parliament can repeal these Acts, and the recent High Court judgment in the case of Chris Packham CBE v Secretary of State for Transport, Prime Minister and HS2 Ltd, the court specifically noted that “there is a strong public interest in ensuring that, in a democracy, activities sanctioned by Parliament are not stopped by individuals merely because they do not personally agree with them.”

It is also important to note that the Phase One Act sets out the specific requirements of the railway to be constructed, and the environmental minimum requirements that construction activities must comply with. HS2 Ltd cannot deviate from these specifications and requirements without new powers being sought from Parliament. An array of legally binding ‘Undertakings and Assurances’ made to organisations and individuals along the route, and effective monitoring arrangements to ensure HS2 Ltd compliance, mean that HS2 Ltd will deliver the railway as specified by Parliament and also construct it in the way specified by Parliament.

In setting out the decision to proceed with HS2, the Prime Minister made a clear commitment to drawing a line under past problems of transparency and cost control on HS2, and a recognition that going forward, things must change. The Department is improving discipline and oversight with a full-time dedicated HS2 minister who will take part in monthly cross-government meetings, similar to the delivery of the 2012 Olympics, and provide regular updates to Parliament on progress.

The Department has now published its Full Business Case for Phase One, which underpins the decision to authorise ‘Notice to Proceed’ and allow construction of Phase One to commence. The Phase One Full Business Case sets out the rationale for the first part of the HS2 scheme between the West Midlands and London. It can be found on the following link.

Despite Doug Oakervee’s recommendation of reducing the frequency assumption for HS2 to 14tph, the Government has maintained its existing service planning assumption (in the Business Case) of 17tph concluding that there are benefits of running a high-frequency service as it affords the Government the flexibility to serve more destinations in the future supporting the Government’s agenda to level-up regional economies. In any event, precise service patterns and speeds were not specified in the Phase One Act and are a matter for the service operator once HS2 is operational.

HS2 will spread prosperity and productivity across the whole country, bringing our great cities closer together and forming the spine of our nation’s transport network. The upcoming business case will show that these benefits continue to outweigh the project’s costs.

Department for Transport

MPs question HS2 Ltd and the Government on the next steps for High Speed 2

A group of MPs called the Transport Committee recently held an oral evidence session where it questioned witnesses from the National Infrastructure Commission, HS2 Ltd and the Department for Transport about the next steps for High Speed 2.

You can read an account of the session:

You can also watch a video recording of the session:

What is the Transport Committee?

The Transport Committee looks at and questions the Government about matters relating to Transport. It's a cross-party committee of MPs and is independent of the Government.

You can find out more about the Transport Committee on their website:

You can follow the Transport Committee on Twitter: @CommonsTrans

The Transport Committee is a ‘select committee’. Find out how Select Committees work:

Further Information

You may also be interested to know that because of the large number of petitions that have been started in relation to coronavirus, the Petitions Committee has been questioning the Government about its response to the coronavirus outbreak.

Find out more and watch the Committee put questions suggested by petitioners to Government Ministers and the Deputy Chief Medical Officer:

Read letters asking further questions of Government Ministers:

You can read impartial analysis of the Government response to coronavirus and policy developments here: