This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Negotiate continued access to the Erasmus programme for UK teachers and pupils

We want the Government to ensure continued access for schools to Erasmus Plus beginning with applications in 2021. The UK will need to have associated status in the programme, similar to Norway or Switzerland and to fund UK participation in courses, job shadowing and collaborative school projects.

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Erasmus Plus is widely used by UK schools offering teachers international professional development and for pupils exposure to world languages and opportunities to work collaboratively, skills sought by employers. Activities are straightforward to arrange; the eTwinning programme also includes countries outside the EU where the UK will want to develop trade deals. A presence in this programme or replicating its principles and practices will help us achieve the Government’s ‘Global Britain’ goal.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

3,714 signatures

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