This petition was submitted during the 2010–2015 Conservative – Liberal Democrat coalition government

Petition Ministerial guidelines should stipulate for adequate surveillance of those (anti-vivisectionists, anti-abortionists, etc) who intimidate others

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Ministerial guidelines/Statutory Instruments/regulations or legislations should provide/allow for adequate surveillance by police, MI5/GCHQ (utilising CCTV, emails, phone contacts, websites, undercover monitoring, etc) of anti-vivisectionists & others who cause criminal damage, terrorise & harass others/organisations. Animal farming for food is essential. Likewise animal vivisection is essential towards expending the frontiers of bioscience R&D for benefit of humans & animals alike. In pharmacological R&D for new drug agonists (enhancers) or antagonist (inhibitors) of specific biochemical metabolic pathways & processes, SUITABLE animal models (like primates for Alzheimer’s Disease research) are invaluable. Drugs attached (in lock & key fashion) to biological substrates (in cell receptors in membranes, DNA, enzymes, precursor macromolecules, etc) can switch on or off certain biochemical pathways of APPROPRIATE species concerned hence providing the desired chemotherapeutic interventions.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

2 signatures
