This petition was submitted during the 2010-2015 parliament

Petition No to postcode pay

More details

The NHS that we know and love is under threat. One of the biggest challenges is the pressure to cut costs and make savings. This has resulted in 20 Trusts across the South West collaborating on radical changes to pay and conditions and the creation of a regional pay system.

Plans published by these employers envisage changes which could cut pay, terms and conditions for nurses, doctors and other healthcare staff by up to 15%.

This will be bad for the NHS, bad for patients and bad for all NHS staff across the UK. Local pay hurts the local economy, compromises patient safety, seriously damages staff morale and creates instability in the workforce at a time when the NHS is going through unprecedented

We need urgent action from the Government to get these 20 Trusts to roll back on these plans and instead focus on protecting patients, staff and our economy.

Only by stopping these plans will we ensure the continuation of the NHS that we all know and love.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

27,784 signatures


Government responded

This response was given on 20 October 2012

As this e-petition has received more than 10 000 signatures, the relevant Government department have provided the following response:

All healthcare trusts already have the power, under reforms introduced by the last Government, to employ staff on terms that they consider appropriate. Foundation trusts (but not NHS trusts) have additional local freedoms in certain specific areas, but they must accord with the standard benefits set out in the nationally agreed pay framework Agenda for Change.

All trusts are free to opt out of Agenda for Change, but cannot do so unilaterally. Trusts must seek to negotiate with their staff and staff representatives. However, few organisations have chosen to exercise their freedoms and most are unlikely to do so provided Agenda for Change remains fit for purpose.

In partnership and discussion with NHS trade unions, NHS Employers hope to make changes to Agenda for Change at a national level for the benefit of both staff and patients.

This e-petition remains open to signatures and will be considered for debate by the Backbench Business Committee should it pass the 100 000 signature threshold.