This petition was submitted during the 2010-2015 Conservative – Liberal Democrat coalition government

Petition Mutualise the BBC

More details

Currently the BBC is not sufficiently accountable to the public. We the undersigned believe that the BBC should become a mutual company similar to John Lewis or the Co-op. Rather than paying for a television licence, viewers would pay a fee to become 'members' (or, if you prefer, 'shareholders'). Membership would include not only the right to watch BBC programmes but also the right to vote at the BBC's AGM - to elect the Director General and make other important decisions on the future of the BBC. (For example, the recent reorganisation of the World Service would have had to have been approved by members.)

The BBC AGM and elections should be televised - judging by the viewing figures for "X-Factor", etc, they should be popular. It should be preceded by a televised "Annual Report" to show the British people how lucky we are to have an organisation like the BBC, and what a marvellous job the World Service does promoting British culture and values around the world.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

9 signatures
