This petition was submitted during the 2010-2015 parliament
Petition Provide defibrillators to every well populated public place in the UK
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I am proposing that every well populated public place in the UK is provided with or partly funded by the government for a defibrillator to be situated at said place plus relevant training to be given. A defibrillator is a life-saving machine that gives the heart an electric shock in some cases of cardiac arrest. This is called defibrillation and can save lives. My mother suffered a massive cardiac arrest on the public services on the M6 and because of the fact that there was no defibrillator on site, she suffered irreversible brain damage and died a week later in hospital. If defibrillation is delivered promptly, survival rates as high as 75% have been reported. Please sign this petition to ensure more lives are saved and less people suffer the heartbreak that my family and i have suffered.
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months
418 signatures