This petition was submitted during the 2010-2015 parliament
Petition Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Nov 15th elections : My vote was a "No" vote
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The undersigned believe that the current Police and Crime Commissioner positions, as enacted in the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act that became law 2011, are fundamentally flawed.
Since there was no way of expressing this during the election we, the undersigned, were forced to:
* not vote
* spoil our ballot
* vote for the candidate that would do the least harm
We wish to express that this was not an act of apathy, or an uninformed electorate, but a deliberate decision.
As a short term action by the government we would prefer a return to the old Police Authorities that, while flawed, are far superior to the new PCC roles.
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months
6,208 signatures