This petition was submitted during the 2010–2015 Conservative – Liberal Democrat coalition government

Petition Reform the divorce laws to introduce no-fault divorce and abolish fault-based divorces

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Fault-based divorce, such as adultery and unreasonable behaviour, causes unnecessary additional conflict when couples divorce. This impedes their ability to resolve disputes about their children or to reach agreement about how their assets shall be divided and about maintenance, as well as causing them to incur higher legal bills.

A modern no-fault divorce system would not damage the institution of marriage, nor would it increase the divorce rate. It would promote non-confrontational resolution to family disputes and it would assist divorcing couples to bring their marriages to an end in a dignified and mutually respectful manner which is both in their best interests and those of their children.

The government should abolish fault-based divorce and legislate for no-fault divorce.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

52 signatures
