This petition was submitted during the 2010-2015 parliament

Petition Cap Our Sports Hall Prices Before They Kill Minority Sport

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The continual annual rise of Sport/School/Community hall prices across the UK have created a situation for minority sports, where they are finding it hard to continue. This is felt by a wide spectrum of minority sports clubs and activity goers all over the UK. How can we develop sport in this country never mind a legacy? How can we combat obesity and attract young budding athletes into activity in a situation like this?
More potential sports hall venues are lying empty during the day and night across the UK as the general public, sports clubs and schools struggle to afford the cost. Clubs are travelling further afield in an attempt to combat the rise in subsequent membership costs but are now facing the inevitable.
This petition calls for a debate in the House on the entry cost of sport within the UK, and the establishment of a recommended cost of hall hire by the department of Culture, Media and Sport, which is then implemented by all facilities

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

969 signatures
