This petition was submitted during the 2010-2015 parliament

Petition National Allotments Strategy

More details

In keeping with the governments policy of "The Big Society" we call on government to introduce and implement a new National Allotment Strategy for the UK.

Government shall consult with allotment providers, The National Allotment Society, local Councils, allotment holders and local communities with the aim of :-

Introducing new legislation to provide better protection for the non-statutory allotment provision.

Increasing government support to improve the current provision.

Increasing the number of allotments to meet current demand.

Encouraging better management of allotments by providing support to implement best practise.

To encourage councils and allotment providers to put allotments higher on their agenda.

To encourage more community and shared allotments.

Providing better financial support for allotments in the UK.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

2,867 signatures
