This petition was submitted during the 2010-2015 parliament

Petition Mansion Tax for disabled people !

More details

A Mansion Tax on all properties worth more than £2 millions will raise approximately £2 Billions per year in additional tax revenues for government.

We agree that "Mansion" owners should pay a fair rate of tax for their expensive properties.

In a fair and compassionate society, we should always try to protect the most vulnerable in society.

Disabled people through cuts in disability benefits are having £billions taken away from them each year, allegedly to cut the deficit ?

This policy is contributing to many people living with disability suffering more illness or a "speeded" death through poverty and ill health.

We say a "Mansion Tax" should be used to reverse cuts disabled people are facing in their incomes, support services and daily care.

This is a mark that we in Britain look after our disabled people like we look after our pensioners.

We say "Mansion Tax" for disabled people.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

1,150 signatures
