This petition was submitted during the 2010-2015 parliament


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A Nurse within the NHS has set up this e-petition.

We want to highlight to the government that nurses are willing and dedicated and will fight for their job in a time of change.

The need for change comes when nurses are consumed by unnecessary, repetitive paperwork; paperwork takes staff away from patients.

Nursing has become a world of ticking boxes and meeting targets, when all we wanted to do was care and make a difference.

Three areas that Nurses require change in –

The need for a reduction in the amount of paperwork required; it doesn’t show a task has been completed, its shows a ticked box. When a patient is well and happy shows a task has been completed.

Targets are important however being financially penalized in turn allows for less staff which only makes targets more unrealistic and effects patient care.
Surely a patients health dictates performance.

For the NHS to not be run like a business and more like a non-profit organization.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

468 signatures
