This petition was submitted during the 2010-2015 parliament

Petition Bring Back Cheaper Holidays to Reduce Unauthorised School Absences

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In 2005, government launched a scheme to encourage travel companies to stop charging parents a premium for taking holidays during term-time. Just two years later the scheme was shelved, leaving parents to either pay extortionate premiums for school holiday breaks, or take children out of school in term time, increasing unauthorised absence.
Unauthorised term-time holiday absences hit a record 1.4million days in 2005, however, since the scheme was abandoned that figure has risen considerably. In 2012, 4.5million unauthorised days were missed by pupils going on holiday during term-time.
Government advises schools to fine parents for unauthorised absences, but this does little to deter parents, considering a family of four can save up to £2,000 by booking a holiday during school time, rather than in the school holidays.
We want government to reintroduce their initiative and push travel companies to bring the prices down.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

5,723 signatures
