This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Fund upgrades to National Bridleway Network : Get Horses Off Roads : Save Lives

I am calling on the Government to fund local councils to improve bridleway routes by upgrading appropriate footpaths to create links, either permanently or through seasonal permissive routes, and ensuring there is safe access to current bridlepaths where access has been lost.

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No one wants horses on roads.

Not drivers, not riders, not horses. It’s dangerous, not relaxing and it’s horses and riders who pay the price with their lives.

The British Horse Society figures show that Nov 2010 - Mar 2019 there were 3,737 incidents reported.

315 horses and 43 riders were killed on our roads during this time.

But if riders want to ride out there is little choice. There are some fantastic bridlepaths but the quiet country lanes have become shortcuts for busy commuters and most riders do not have the funds or access to transport to take their horses to forests or private grounds.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

7,605 signatures

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