This petition was submitted during the 2020-2024 Conservative government

Petition Create a single database of microchipped cats and dogs & make scanning mandatory

There are two major flaws with the current compulsory microchipping system: optional scanning & the lack of a single database. There are 13 microchip databases on the government list, independent commercial enterprises, different processes & no interest in creating a central standardised register!

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To confuse matters further, microchipping databases which do not meet government standards continue to trade, and often rank highly on search engines. If you register on an unlisted database, not only can you be fined £500 but your pet’s microchip will read as unregistered when scanned.

The Government should introduce a single database of microchipped cats and dogs, and make it compulsory for chips to be checked at 1st veterinary appointment.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

25,160 signatures

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Government responded

This response was given on 13 January 2021

The Government has launched a consultation on compulsory microchipping and scanning of cats and dogs and is also reviewing the dog microchipping regulations, including how databases function.

Read the response in full

The Government is aware that some people and organisations would like to see changes to the dog and cat microchipping legislation, including a single pet microchip database and a requirement for veterinarians to check the keeper records linked to microchips when pets are first brought into their practices. The Government is responding by reviewing existing microchipping regulations and by consulting interested parties to hear their views on these two suggestions.

As part of the post-legislative requirements, the Government is reviewing The Microchipping of Dogs (England) Regulations 2015 (the 2015 Regulations). This review is currently being undertaken by researchers from the University of Nottingham who are due to report their findings very shortly.

The study includes the use of multiple databases and whether there should be a single database.

Once the researchers have submitted their findings and we have had time to study it in full, the Government will wish to consult widely to gain people’s views and opinions on potential changes. There are currently fourteen separate databases which we regard as compliant with the 2015 Regulations. These are connected to facilitate the swift matching of microchip details with keeper contact information. If anyone wishes to find out which database a specific microchip is registered on they need only enter the individual microchip number on a single compliant databases’ look-up facilities. These look-up facilities are readily found on their websites. The search result will indicate which database the microchip is registered on, showing the enquirer where to find the relevant contact details regardless of which initial look-up facility is being used.

The Government is aware that there are databases which are not compliant with the 2015 Regulations and therefore should not be used by owners to register their dogs. We have been working with Trading Standards as well as a leading internet search facility to explore how to combat the issue of non-compliant databases. A list of compliant databases can be found on the Government’s website, here:

On 23 December 2020, the Government launched a public consultation on compulsory microchipping and scanning of cats and dogs. Among the questions being posed, the Government is asking whether veterinarians should be required to scan cats and dogs upon first presentation.

The consultation on compulsory microchipping and scanning of cats and dogs is due to close on 17 February 2021. Anyone who wishes to express their views about the suggestions raised by this petition, or on any other aspect of microchipping, they should go to the consultation which can be found here via the Government website:

It is anticipated that a public consultation on the 2015 Regulations will take place later this year.

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Share your views on Cat and Dog Microchipping and Scanning in England 

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has launched a consultation on Cat and Dog Microchipping and Scanning in England.  They want to know what you think about plans to introduce compulsory cat microchipping in England and how you think this should be implemented. 

They also want to know whether you think vets and other bodies should be required to scan cats and dogs for microchips in certain situations. For example, prior to euthanasia. 

You can find out more about the consultation and contribute here:

The consultation closes at 5.00pm on 17 February 2021. 

Government consultation on Cat and Dog Microchipping and Scanning in England - corrected link

Yesterday we sent a message about Defra's consultation on Cat and Dog Microchipping and Scanning in England. Some petitioners have reported a problem in accessing the consultation through the link. We're very sorry about this. Please use this link if you'd like to share your views and haven't been able to access it:

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has launched this consultation on Cat and Dog Microchipping and Scanning in England to find out what you think about plans to introduce compulsory cat microchipping in England and how you think this should be implemented. 

They also want to know whether you think vets and other bodies should be required to scan cats and dogs for microchips in certain situations. For example, prior to euthanasia.

The consultation closes at 5.00pm on 17 February 2021.

Government publishes the results of its consultation on cat and dog microchipping and scanning

On 4 December, the Government published a summary of the responses to its consultation on cat and dog microchipping and scanning. The Government has also published its response, setting out a series of actions it plans to take on this issue.

Read the summary of consultation responses:

In their response to the consultation, the Government confirms that it plans to introduce compulsory cat microchipping. The Government also says it is reviewing the database system to identify practical measures which could improve its operation, and will publicly consult on improvements to the existing microchipping system, including the operation of databases, before introducing secondary legislation covering both cats and dogs.

Read the Government's response: