This petition was submitted during the 2010-2015 parliament

Petition Firefighters pension

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Under pension reforms firefighters are being forced to work as front line firefighters until they're 60 and then they may still not receive a full pension.
Contribution rates for the scheme currently stand at an average of 13.2% and are due to rise to at least 15%.
The governments own report claims that the recommended fitness standard for operational firefighters is unattainable for the majority of the population after the age of 55. This means that firefighters who have paid for their pension and have risked their lives selflessly, face the possibility of being sacked for failing fitness tests in their late 50s. This is turn means they lose all of their pension.
Alternatively they can try to hide injuries etc to reach full pension age, putting themselves and the public and risk.
Firefighters face working up to an extra 10 years, paying more in contributions and getting less in return; if they get anything at all.
Is this any way to treat our heros? Surely it's wrong.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

486 signatures
