This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Review handling of rape cases and seek to increase prosecutions

The Government should review how cases of reported rape are handled by the police, Crown Prosecution Service and courts to establish why so few cases make it court, with a view to identifying how to increase the number of cases that are prosecuted.

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The number of rape cases making it to court is at an all-time low. Survivors are being brave to report these crimes but it appears they are not being listened to.

Help change the stigma around rape cases and help bring justice for all its victims.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

2,539 signatures

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MPs investigate violence against women and girls

The House of Commons Home Affairs Committee are looking at how violence against women and girls is being addressed, and are specifically exploring the investigation and prosecution of rape.

We're messaging you to let you know about this because you signed a petition about handling of rape cases.

Read about the Home Affairs Committee's overarching inquiry into violence against women and girls:

Find out more about their work into the investigation and prosecution of rape:

Last week the Committee held the first evidence session of its inquiry into violence against women, where it heard from experts who are working to inform government at the national and local level, and from domestic abuse charities.

Find out more about this session:

Read a transcript of the session:
Follow the Committee on Twitter for updates on its work: @CommonsHomeAffs

What is the Home Affairs Committee?

The Home Affairs Committee is a cross-party group of MPs known as a 'select committee' which scrutinises the policy, administration and spending of the Home Office. The Committee is independent of the Government.
Find out more about the Committee:
Find out how select committees work:

Share your views on support for victims in the justice system with the Government

The Government is asking for people's views on how victims can be better supported through and beyond the criminal justice process across England and Wales. Responses will be used to inform the proposed Victims' Bill, which the Government states will "ensure that victims are properly engaged throughout the justice system, empowering them to come forward and be confident that offenders will be brought to justice".

Read a summary of the proposals, and share your views:

The survey closes on 3 February 2022.

Who is running the consultation?

The consultation is being run by the Ministry of Justice (MoJ), which is responsible for the judiciary, the court system and prisons and probation in England and Wales, with some additional UK-wide responsibilities such as the UK Supreme Court, and judicial appointments by the Crown.

Find out more about the MoJ:

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