This petition was submitted during the 2020-2024 Conservative government

Petition Keep gyms open during Tier 4 lockdown

Consider keeping gyms open during lockdown because so many people have mental health and stress and they need something to do to take their mind off it closing all fitness facilities can affect us pretty badly.

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With all the lockdowns happening it's affecting our mental health with everything closing and we need some kind of fitness to do considering there is a lot of people going through stress and we need to stay occupied.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

180,171 signatures

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Parliament debated this topic

This topic was debated on 22 March 2021

Government responded

This response was given on 14 January 2021

Sports facilities are crucial for adults and children to stay active. That’s why we have continued to make sure that people can exercise throughout the national and local tiered restrictions.

The importance of sport and physical activity for the nation’s physical and mental health has never been more apparent. They are a powerful defence against the covid-19 pandemic, and we will need to raise levels of fitness among the population as we prepare to return to our normal lives, now the vaccination programme has begun.

No government would want to be in a position of needing to close gyms. They give enormous health benefits and are large employers. We could not though allow the healthcare system to be overwhelmed so we were required to introduce the current national lockdown.

The National Restrictions are designed to get the R rate under control through limiting social contact and reducing transmissions. All decisions made by the Government relating to the pandemic and sport, including the closure of gyms, have been based on advice from health and scientific experts.

You can though continue to exercise alone, with one other person or with your household or support bubble. This should be limited to once per day, and you should not travel outside your local area. You should maintain social distancing.

You can exercise in a public outdoor place which include:
● parks, beaches, countryside accessible to the public, forests,
● public gardens (whether or not you pay to enter them),
● the grounds of a heritage site,
● Playgrounds.

Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport

DCMS Committee to hear from sports facility representatives on surviving the pandemic

On Tuesday 12 December, a group of MPs called the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee will hear from the gym industry on making sure our sports facilities, including pools and leisure centres, can survive the pandemic.

Watch the session from 10 am on Tuesday 12 January on Parliament’s streaming site:

This 'evidence session' is part of the Committee's inquiry into Sport in our communities. The Committee will hear from two panels:

Panel 1 (10 am to 11 am)
Rich Emerson, CEO, The Climbing Academy, and Chair of the Association of British Climbing Walls.
Rebecca Passmore, UK Managing Director, PureGym

Panel 2 (11 to 12 pm)
Marg Mayne, CEO, Mytime Active, and Treasurer of Community Leisure UK
Huw Edwards, CEO, ukactive

The session is part of a longer inquiry looking into Sport in our communities. You can find out more here:

You can get involved with the inquiry by recording your own video message or short film to answer the question: What does community sport mean to me?

You must follow current COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions when filming your video- do not put yourself and others at risk. You can use animation, film your video indoors and you don’t need to film outside. We want to hear about why community sport is important to you and why it matters to you.

Find out more here:

Further information

Find out how to get involved in the work of the UK Parliament:

Find out about the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee:

Follow the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee on Twitter:
@CommonsDCMS and take part in this discussion with #MyCommunitySport

Find out how Select Committees work: