This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Reduce content for 2022 A-level and GCSE exams

Remote learning can be a challenge for children and i’m sure many would agree that the quality of education is no where near to the standard expected. To aid pupils through this hard time, consider reducing exam content.

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Remote learning is an extremely new concept and its outcomes have not yet become clear. It’s unfair for students to have to have to sit exams of the same format as they would if they were being taught face to face as per usual.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

11,832 signatures

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Government responded

This response was given on 15 March 2021

The department will continue to monitor the impact of the pandemic on all students, including those due to take exams in 2022, to ensure that students in this cohort can achieve a fair grade.

The government remains clear that exams are the fairest method to assess students. GCSEs, AS and A levels rigorously assess the knowledge acquired by students and are in line with expected standards in countries with high performing education systems.

Despite the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, students and teachers are working hard in preparation for exams or assessments in 2022. We know that it is important that students in this cohort are able to get a grade safely and fairly and we will continue to monitor the impact of the pandemic on all students to ensure that those due to take exams in 2022 are supported to move on to the next stage of their lives.

We understand that students due to take exams in 2022 may have some concerns about how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted their education. We are committed to working with parents, teachers and education providers to develop a long-term plan to make sure that students have a chance to make up their education. We have appointed Sir Kevan Collins as Education Recovery Commissioner to advise on this plan.

As an immediate step, we have made available a further £700m to support education recovery measures. This builds on the £1bn from last year and brings total available to £1.7bn. Funding will support pupils across early years settings, schools and colleges and provides an additional ‘Recovery Premium’ for schools, expansion of tutoring in schools and colleges, summer schools in 2021 and early language support.

A range of high-quality online resources will be available for all teachers and pupils, starting from the summer term and throughout the summer holidays, provided by Oak National Academy, to help give pupils the confidence so that they are ready for the next academic year. We are also funding a short, focussed summer school offering a blend of academic study and enrichment activities with additional details on this due to be provided by the end of March.

Department for Education

Share your views on arrangements for non-exam assessment for qualifications in 2022

The Government is consulting on arrangements for non-exam assessment (NEA) and fieldwork activities in some GCSE, AS and A level subjects that will be undertaken by students taking exams in summer 2022, in the context of the covid-19 pandemic.

This consultation covers:

  • non-exam assessments in dance, design and technology, drama (and theatre), film studies, food preparation and nutrition, media studies, music, music technology, and physical education (PE)
  • fieldwork activities in geography, geology and environmental science
  • assessment of speaking skills in GCSE modern foreign languages (MFL)
  • assessment of spoken language in GCSE English language

Find out more about the consultation, and share your views:

The deadline for submitting your views is 11.45pm on Friday 28 May 2021.

MPs question the Government on its plans for awarding qualifications in 2021 and 2022

On Thursday 22 July, MPs questioned Minister for School Standards Nick Gibb MP on the Government's plans for awarding qualifications in 2021 and 2022, including GCSEs and A-levels, following a Ministerial Statement.

Watch the statement and MPs' questions:
Read the transcript:

What is a Ministerial Statement?

Ministerial Statements are a way for Ministers to bring an important matter to the attention of the House, often at short notice. MPs can question the Minister about the matters raised in the statement.

Find out more about Ministerial Statements: