This petition was submitted during the 2010–2015 Conservative – Liberal Democrat coalition government

Petition Remove the Royal Charter for The Privatised Royal Mail

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The Royal Mail is now a private company with NO connection with the government and the royal family so unless a Royal Charter is given to 'any' company that applies for it? Then Royal Mail should have their Royal Charter removed and no longer allowed to show the Royal Crown on anything associate with that company. Irrespective of when the company was started!

Their atrocious behaviour undermines their use of the word 'Royal' and the charter they were awarded. It undermines what 'Royal' means in terms of the highest standards of quality, integrity, honesty and values

The Government should pass a law to strip this organisation of the right to use the word Royal to publicly demonstrate the disapproval of the UK taxpayer. This would also ensure that any organisation given a charter to use the word 'Royal' has to always behave with impeccable ethics and behaviour.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

24 signatures
