This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Do not make it mandatory to wear a mask in the classroom

To ensure that children and teachers can thrive in the school environment, we ask the government to not make it mandatory for pupils and staff to have to wear a face mask in classrooms.

Pupils and staff should retain the right to chose for themselves whether wearing a face mask is necessary.

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By imposing the wearing of masks we could be in danger of psychologically damaging the current generation of children in schools.

We have already seen children returning home in distress as a result of the COVID measures that schools have been forced to implement.

2020/2021 has been traumatic enough for children, and given the low health risk to children posed by the school environment, we feel it is only right that the wearing of masks should be a personal choice.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

4,442 signatures

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Government announces changes to requirements to wear face coverings in schools

The Government has announced that, from 17 May, face coverings will no longer have to be worn in classrooms or communal areas by pupils.

Read the full announcement:

In its announcement, the Government has stated that decreasing infection rates, deaths and hospitalisations being at their lowest level since July, and the vaccine rollout, mean that pupils will no longer be required to wear face coverings in the classroom or communal areas in schools and colleges.

The Government has stated that this decision has taken into consideration the latest scientific evidence, medical advice and stakeholder feedback on the impacts of wearing face coverings in schools and colleges.