This petition was submitted during the 2010-2015 parliament

Petition Stop Domino's Pizza Group underpaying workers

More details

All Domino's Pizza branches in the UK require delivery drivers to deliver pizza.
Domino's call these drivers 'Service Providers', or, 'Contract Drivers'.
Hourly rates for these so called contracted workers can be as low as £4 per hour, regardless of age or education.
On top of low hourly pay, drivers are paid as low as £1 compensation to cover 14 mile journeys.
There is sufficient evidence to prove that these so called contract workers are indeed employees, but are titled contract workers just to exploit pay rules.

I am calling for the DWP to look into Domino's Pizza Group and their exploitation of delivery drivers who are not being paid national minimum wage

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

5 signatures
