This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Introduce a licensing scheme for the sale of all knives and bladed articles.

I want a licensing scheme for the sale of knives to be introduced making it illegal to sell knives & bladed articles either publicly or privately, unless you are a licensed seller. Government to issue licences to sellers through local authorities in a similar way to alcohol/gambling licences.

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I want this scheme to help reduce the accessibility of knives and dangerous weapons that are being used daily on our streets to injure, maim and kill.Through a licensing scheme the buying and selling of knives would be closely monitored.Purchasers would need to provide photo ID when buying them,including online. No photo ID no sale. Those selling knives/weapons without a licence would face prosecution and increased sentences for selling banned weapons. I want this introduced to help save lives.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

3,805 signatures

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