This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Publish data on Covid-19 infections in schools

The Government should publish data on confirmed Covid-19 cases in schools, including cases of B1.617.2 and other variants of concern. This should be updated regularly.

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We need school Covid-19 data collection and publication so we can see how policy is informed by data.

In January 2021, the Prime Minister said that schools are 'vectors for transmission'. Since 17 May 2021, the UK Government has said face coverings are no longer required in classrooms, but has not published data to support this decision.

We need to understand the role that schools play in Covid-19 transmission so we can judge if appropriate action is being taken to protect children, school workers, families and wider communities. It is not acceptable for children to catch and transmit COVID. This disrupts education and risks Long COVID.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

4,174 signatures

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