This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Keep face covering mandatory in indoor public settings beyond 19th July 2021

The Government has said that face coverings will become a matter of personal choice after 19 July. This petition is to ensure that they remain mandatory in Indoor settings like shops and public transport.

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The Government is due to ease COVID-19 related restrictions on the 19th of July. It has been suggested some measures may still be needed as infection rates pick up again.

Face convering use has been a useful tool to minimize virus spread while allowing the population to do regular activities. It's a cheap and easy way to help country in the path to normality and most people are used to it by now. Importantly, they protect others so it should not be down to personal choice.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

10,639 signatures

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Government responded

This response was given on 25 August 2021

Government has moved England to Step 4 in its Road Map transitioning from legal to personal, risk-based judgements. Wearing face coverings in certain indoor settings is still expected and recommended.

Read the response in full

As the four tests have been met, and with over 85% of the adult population now having had at least one dose of a vaccine, the Government has moved England to Step 4 in its Road Map, which means moving away from legal rules to an approach that enables personal, risk-based judgements. Now it is time for the country to learn to live with the virus and to start taking personal responsibility for their safety and the safety of others. The removal of laws requiring the wearing of face coverings in certain settings is part of this transition.

Lifting restrictions does not mean the risks from COVID-19 have disappeared. That is why our guidance is clear that the Government expects and recommends people continue to wear a face covering in indoor spaces where they come into contact with people they do not normally meet, particularly where the risk of transmission is greater, such as enclosed, crowded or poorly ventilated spaces.

Businesses and transport operators are able to require that individuals visiting their premises or using their services wear a face covering. However, businesses and transport operators must consider and comply with their obligations under the Equality Act 2010, for example the duty to make reasonable adjustments to those with disabilities, as some people are not able to wear face coverings and the reasons for this may not be visible to others.

Department of Health and Social Care