This petition was submitted during the 2020-2024 Conservative government

Petition Support the pension triple lock

To retain the triple lock state pension under all circumstances

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The potential suspension will effect the poorest pensioners at a time of growing inflation

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

16,603 signatures

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Government responded

This response was given on 8 September 2021

The Government is committed to ensuring that older people are able to live with the dignity and respect they deserve. Our approach is fair for both pensioners and younger taxpayers.

Read the response in full

The Government is committed to protecting the incomes of pensioners, as well as being fair to taxpayers. We are introducing legislation this year to increase the basic and new State Pensions by at least the higher of price inflation or 2.5%. We are setting aside the average earnings measure this year because it has been distorted by falls in earnings last year and the unusual labour market effects this year, both caused by the pandemic. This is a one-year response to exceptional circumstances. The Government remains committed to implementing the Triple Lock for the remainder of the Parliament.

Last year, we delivered primary legislation to increase State Pensions by 2.5%, when earnings fell and price inflation increased by half a percent. If we hadn’t taken this action, State Pensions would have been frozen.

The pandemic has meant the earnings statistics which are used in the Triple Lock formula remain distorted and therefore we need to go through the same process this year. Over the two years, the State Pension will have increased by more than price inflation. When taking into account the wider situation, we believe that this approach over two years is fair to both pensioners and younger taxpayers.

The Government remains committed to ensuring that older people are able to live with the dignity and respect they deserve – the State Pension is the foundation of support for older people. We spend over £129bn on benefits for pensioners. This includes spending on the State Pension which is forecast to be over £105bn in 2021/22.

As a result of the Government’s Triple Lock policy, the full yearly basic State Pension is now over £2,050 higher than a decade ago. The State Pension is also supported by further measures for older people, which include the provision of free bus passes, free prescriptions, Winter Fuel Payments and Cold Weather Payments.

In addition, Pension Credit provides a safety net for those most in need. Pension Credit provides a top up for people of State Pension age with a weekly income below £177.10 (for single people) or £270.30 (for couples).

Department for Work and Pensions

Share your experiences for a debate on pensions guidance and advice

On Tuesday 1 March, Nigel Mills MP will lead a backbench business debate in Parliament on the take-up of pensions guidance and advice. 

To inform the debate, he wants to hear about your experiences and suggestions on pensions guidance, including:

  • How well you understand your options when it comes to drawing your pension

  • Whether your pension provider has signposted you to guidance and advice services

  • How you’d address any issues related to pensions guidance and advice.

He may quote your contribution directly during his debate. 

Find out more and share your experiences with him here:

Videos of the debate, the transcript and other relevant material will be accessible shortly after the debate on this webpage. 

The deadline for contributions is midday on Monday, 28 February.

What are backbench business debates?

Backbench business debates give backbenchers (MPs who aren’t ministers or shadow ministers) an opportunity to secure a debate on a topic of their choice, either in the Chamber or Westminster Hall.

MPs can make a request for a debate to the Backbench Business Committee, who hears and decides which debates to schedule.

Backbench debates can either be general debates (which do not end in a vote) or be on a substantive motion (which calls for an action and can end in a vote). This debate will be a general debate.

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State pension triple lock debated by MPs

On Monday 8 November, MPs debated the state pension triple lock. This was an opposition day debate on a motion chosen by the Labour Party.

Watch the debate

Read a transcript of the debate

During the debate, MPs raised concerns about the risks to older people and pensioners of the cost of living crisis. At the end of the debate, MPs agreed a motion calling on the Government to commit to maintaining the State Pension triple lock in financial year 2023-24. This motion is not binding, so it is still up to the Government whether to maintain the state pension triple lock.

What is an Opposition Day debate?

Opposition days are days allocated for the discussion of subjects chosen by non-government parties. There are usually 20 opposition days per Parliamentary session.

Read a research briefing by the House of Commons Library about opposition day debates.

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Share your views on increasing the state pension to £380 a week and lowering the retirement age to 60

The MPs on the Petitions Committee have scheduled a debate on a petition calling for the state pension to be increased to £380 a week and the retirement age to be lowered to 60, which you signed.

Marsha De Cordova MP, a member of the Petitions Committee, has been asked to open the debate.

Share your views

To inform the debate, Marsha would like to hear your views on this issue, including how well you feel the current state pension meets pensioners' needs and what you think about the state pension age.

You can share your views with Marsha by completing this survey:

The survey will close on Tuesday 6 December at midday.

Your responses will be anonymous. A summary of responses will be published on the Committee's website and may be shared with MPs and quoted during the debate.

Watch the debate

The debate will be held on Monday 12 December at 4.30pm.

What are petition debates?

Petitions debates are ‘general’ debates which allow MPs from all parties to discuss the important issues raised by one or more petitions, and put their concerns to Government Ministers.

Petition debates don’t end with a vote to implement the request of a petition. This means that MPs will not vote on changing the state pension at the end of the debate.

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MPs debate the state pension age

The Petitions Committee scheduled a debate in the House of Commons on the state pension. This took place on Monday 12 December 2022. A member of the Committee, Tonia Antoniazzi MP, opened the debate.

Read a summary of what was said, watch the debate and access other relevant material:

What did you tell us about the state pension?

This includes results from a survey we conducted to ask people who signed this petition about their views on the state pension.

What are petitions debates?

Petitions debates are ‘general’ debates which allow MPs from all parties to discuss the important issues raised by one or more petitions and put their concerns to Government Ministers.

Petition debates don’t end with a vote to implement the request of a petition. This means that MPs did not vote on increasing the state pension age at the end of the debate.

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