This petition was submitted during the 2020-2024 Conservative government

Petition Make fireworks illegal to buy, with the exception of public displays.

Make the purchase of fireworks illegal unless they are for public displays only.

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Fireworks cause unnecessary stress to animals. If we can limit the use of fireworks to public displays only, it means the owners of domestic animals can make preparations to help prevent unnecessary stress to their pets.
Home thrown firework displays are unpredictable and dangerous, and can leave unnecessary rubbish also.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

46,070 signatures

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Government responded

This response was given on 25 November 2021

The use of fireworks is an issue that the Government takes seriously. We believe that the majority of people who use fireworks do so responsibly.

Read the response in full

The safe and responsible use of fireworks is an issue that the Government takes very seriously. We believe that the majority of people who use fireworks do so responsibly. The Government also believes that current legislation strikes the right balance allowing people to enjoy fireworks, whist reducing the risks and disturbances to both people and animals. There are, however, strong enforcement mechanisms in place to tackle situations when fireworks are used inappropriately.

Given this, the Government has no current plans to introduce further restrictions on the sale of fireworks to the public, but we continue to monitor the situation. We have concerns that banning the public from buying and using fireworks could have the unintended consequence of driving the market underground, leaving consumers vulnerable to unsafe products. We remain committed to taking further action to promote the safe and considerate use of fireworks, through our ongoing programme of work.

However, we do know that there is more we can do to provide information and promote the responsible use of fireworks. For that reason, the Office for Product Safety and Standards’ annual fireworks campaign includes messaging on how to use fireworks considerately, for example by letting neighbours know that you intend to use them at a certain time. This messaging was developed in partnership with animal welfare organisations, and we continue to engage with them on the key issues they face.

Many animal welfare organisations also publish advice for what actions pet owners can take when fireworks are set off in their local area. An example is this article published by the RSPCA;

The Government is also committed to tackling and preventing all forms of anti-social behaviour, including the misuse of fireworks. We know the serious impact that persistent anti-social behaviour can have on both individuals and communities. That is why we have provided police, councils, and other local agencies with a range of tools and powers that they can use to respond quickly and effectively to anti-social behaviour through the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.

Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy