This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Create a religious exemption to any vaccine passport requirements

Some people are objecting to this vaccine because of their religion, and they have the right to not be discriminated against. People should be eligible for a religious exemption so they can attend any venue they see fit to without being required to be double-jabbed.

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It is our God-given right to choose what enters our bodies. We should be free to go where we like without being discriminated against for our religious beliefs. Allow those who cannot, in good faith , be vaccinated due their religion. Cell strains created from aborted foetal cells are used during the creation of vaccines, including covid vaccines, and it therefore it goes against my Christian faith. The government must recognise that we cannot adhere to this due to our commitment to the lord and the holy bible and that we have just as much right to freedom as any other faith, creed, race, religion, age group etc

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

9,963 signatures

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