This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Petition Help the people of Afghanistan.

Send foreign aid to Afghanistan civilians as well as military and diplomatic support during this current situation and remember the great risk and jeopardy these people were in while giving support to our forces during NATO occupation of Afghanistan.

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The UK Government has to take action for the current conflict in Afghanistan. The Taliban are taking over provinces in the area and attacking and slaughtering Afghanistan people who previously gave aid and support (military and otherwise) to NATO forces. This travesty against humanity is being allowed and innocent people are dying as a result. All of NATO owe a debt of gratitude to these people. Send support now.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

3,418 signatures

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MPs “ashamed” of aspects of UK withdrawal from Afghanistan

MPs on the cross-party International Development Committee have published a report on the Government's failures to work effectively or quickly enough to provide support for aid workers and the Afghan people.

Read the report:

In their report, the MPs on the Committee say that the UK Government, in its response to Afghanistan and now Ukraine, has:
- not been flexible enough in its response to these humanitarian situations by only making limited concessions to pre-existing UK immigration routes;
- failed to provide enough clarity on what routes are available; and
- dragged its feet in setting up new, or changes to existing, routes.

The Committee is also concerned about the pace at which the UK Government has paid out pledged UK aid to Afghanistan, and whether it will act swiftly enough to pay out pledged UK aid to Ukraine.

What happens next?

The Government now must respond to the Committee's report, which was published on 4 March 2022, within two months. The Committee will publish the Government’s response on the inquiry website:

What is the International Development Committee? 

The International Development Committee is a cross-party group of MPs that was formed to look into the work of the Department for International Development (DFID), a former Government department that has now merged into the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). The Committee is responsible for monitoring the expenditure, administration and policies relating to Official Development Assistance (ODA).

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