This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Rejected petition Set Minimum Nutrition Label size to support Type 1 Diabetes & Other Conditions

Set a minimum mandatory size for nutritional information on food packaging so that it is easier to read, because people with health conditions and their carers rely upon them to stay alive.
This could be set as a percentage of the overall package size or a minimum font size even.

More details

Currently the nutritional values are tiny in many cases and unreadable without a strong magnifying glass or resort to zoom on camera phone. This means anyone with poorer eyesight or visual impairments will struggle to read them. This is made worse for carers looking after people but also the people themselves, especially given that eyesight can be impacted severely by diabetes. There will also be many other conditions that require this information to be legible.

This petition was rejected

Why was this petition rejected?

We can't publish petitions when the request is something that's already happening or something that has been announced since you started your petition.

We think your petition is covered by Government or Parliament action already. If you'd like something else, you could start a new petition clearly explaining what it is.

Food labels are already required to use a font with a minimum x-height of 1.2 millimetres (or 0.9mm if the largest surface area of packaging is less than 80cm squared):

We could accept a petition calling for the minimum size of text on food labels to be increased, if that's what you want to happen.

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards.