This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Rejected petition Prevent UK Government to Revoke Ethnic Minority British Citizenship

The British Government has recently and quietly made changes to the 'Nationality and Borders' bill. Clause 9 of the bill - “Notice of decision to deprive a person of citizenship”, now exempts the Government from giving notice to an individual if they deem you are a national security threat.

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The changes are draconian and offer an individual little to no chance to appeal. It is against international law to deprive a person of citizenship and inhumane not to allow one to appeal a decision made in their absence or knowledge. This practise is alien and frowned upon even by the UK's closest allies. An individual should be given enough time to make a legal challenge in a British court of law before any decision to revoke citizenship is made.

This petition was rejected

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