This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Rejected petition Evidence of Immunity Post-Covid infection to be accepted for employment

Health and Social Care employees should be offered the opportunity to demonstrate their serological evidence of post-infection immunity as an alternative to vaccination status for employment purposes. This will reduce the forecasted staffing crisis and increase levels of trust.

More details

Post-infection immunity is well-established. (ECDC)

Previously infected individuals who receive vaccinations are at increased risk of significant side effects (BMJ)

Deeping the NHS staffing crisis may lead to severe harm to the public. (TUC, BMA)

Overcome vaccine hesitancy by increasing trust in policymakers. (BMJ,Lancet)

Denying the opportunity to demonstrate recent infection in place of vaccination may be seen as “unjustifiable”, Oxford Professor of medical ethics Dominic Wilkinson.(BBC)

This petition was rejected

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