This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Rejected petition For Parliament to debate the £4.3b writing off of fraudulent Covid claims.

The chancellor has announced he is writing off £4.3b of fraudulent claims made by companies during the Covid pandemic. We believe that as these are public funds & set against the governments insistance at prosecuting all other benefit fraud we believe this is wholly wrong.

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It is important that all public money is accounted for and where cases of fraud are suspected that these are fully investigated and where necessary offenders prosecuted in the courts. This is vital to maintain public trust and it a matter of public interest.

This petition was rejected

Why was this petition rejected?

We can't publish petitions when the request is something that's already happening or something that has been announced since you started your petition.

We think your petition is covered by Government or Parliament action already. If you'd like something else, you could start a new petition clearly explaining what it is.

Fraud in the coronavirus grant scheme was already debated by the House of Commons on Tuesday 18 January;

If you want the Government to review this decision, or increase funding to pursue fraudulent claims under this scheme, we could accept a petition requesting this.

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards.