This petition was submitted during the 2019-2024 parliament

Rejected petition Reinstate the (EU) Pet Passport Scheme Immediately

Many Ukrainians fleeing the war in the Ukraine own pets, e.g. dogs and cats. They are loved family members. Having to leave their beloved pets behind will cause a lifelong trauma, especially for children. ATM they would have to if they want to enter the UK to connect with their relatives.

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The pet passport scheme- having been fought for for years- was part of EU membership. It ended when the UK took the inconsiderate decision to exit the union. The Pet Passport Scheme was appreciated by EU citizens as well as Brits going on holidays in the EU. As with other deals, the scheme was probably just "forgotten" and just disappeared from the radar. We must reinstate the scheme for the good of people and animals.

This petition was rejected

Why was this petition rejected?

It’s not clear what the petition is asking the UK Government or Parliament to do.

We understand you're concerned about pet owners' ability to bring their pets with them when travelling to the UK. However the Pet Passport Scheme is run by the EU, of which the UK is no longer a member, so the Government cannot 'reinstate' the scheme as this petition suggests.

You could have a petition calling on the Government to negotiate for the UK's participation in the EU Pet Passport Scheme if that is something you'd like to see happen.

You might like to sign these petitions which call for related actions:

'Ease entry restrictions for companion animals of Ukrainian refugees':

'Immediately Issue Pet Travel Waivers for UK citizens in Ukraine':

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards.