This petition was submitted during the 2020-2024 Conservative government

Petition Ensure Trans people are fully protected under any conversion therapy ban

Ensure any ban fully includes trans people and all forms of conversion therapy.

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It's shameful that the UK intends to deliberately exclude trans people from a ban in contrast to the approach taken by many countries, despite trans people being at a greater risk of experiencing the harmful & degrading practices.

The government's own figures show that trans people are nearly twice as likely to be at risk of experiencing the harmful & degrading practices of conversion therapy. A ban needs to ensure all forms of conversion therapy are banned.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

149,167 signatures

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Parliament debated this topic

This topic was debated on 13 June 2022

Government responded

This response was given on 12 May 2022

We will introduce a ban protecting everyone from attempts to change their sexual orientation. Recognising the complexity of issues we will consider the issue of transgender conversion therapy further.

Conversion therapy practices do not work and can cause long-lasting harm. We are committed to banning these abhorrent practices by introducing an offence that protects children and those that are unwillingly subjected to talking conversion practices, as well as by strengthening provisions against physical conversion practices.

We will bring forward a ban that protects everyone from attempts to change their sexual orientation. There are different considerations when it comes to transgender conversion therapy and the Government remains committed to exploring these.

One of the complexities is that those who experience gender dysphoria may seek talking therapy. It is vital that legitimate support is not inadvertently impacted.

The Government’s actions to protect people from conversion therapy extend beyond legislating. We will deliver a support service for victims via a contracted helpline and website which will provide initial pastoral support, and signposting to services such as counselling and advice about emergency housing. The successful delivery partner will be announced in due course. We continue to engage with stakeholders from LGBT, faith and medical backgrounds to ensure that our proposals and services are effective and well understood.

We will bring forward a ban that protects everyone from attempts to change their sexual orientation as soon as parliamentary time allows. We remain committed to exploring how best to protect people from these practices and will provide further updates in due course.

Cabinet Office

Transgender conversion therapy to be debated in the House of Commons

The Petitions Committee has scheduled a debate on the petition you signed, "Ensure Trans people are fully protected under any conversion therapy ban", for 4.30pm on Monday 20 June.

Ahead of the debate, MPs on the Petitions Committee have written to the Government to ask:

  • what evidence has informed the Government's decision not to include transgender conversion therapy in the proposed ban on conversion therapy practices
  • for more details of the “separate work” the Government has said it will do to consider the issue of transgender conversion therapy
  • when the Government intends to publish its response to the consultation on banning conversion therapy

Read the full letter here:

The Committee has asked for a reply by Thursday 9 June so it can be published ahead of the debate on this petition. We will share the Government's response with you when this is received.

How to follow the debate on transgender conversion therapy

Watch the debate from 4.30pm on Monday 20 June:

Read a transcript which will be available a few hours after the debate ends:

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Transgender conversion therapy debate date brought forward to 13 June

The Petitions Committee has brought forward the debate on the petition you signed, "Ensure Trans people are fully protected under any conversion therapy ban". This debate will now take place on Monday 13 June at 4.30pm.

Watch the debate (from 4.30pm on Monday 13 June):

Read a transcript (available a few hours after the debate ends):

Government asked for update on plans to consider transgender conversion therapy

Ahead of the debate, MPs on the Petitions Committee have written to the Government to ask:

  • what evidence has informed the Government's decision not to include transgender conversion therapy in the proposed ban on conversion therapy practices

  • for more details of the “separate work” the Government has said it will do to consider the issue of transgender conversion therapy

  • when the Government intends to publish its response to the consultation on banning conversion therapy

Read the full letter:

The Committee has asked for a reply by Thursday 9 June so it can be published ahead of the debate on this petition. We will share the Government's response with you when this is received.

Select Committee scrutiny of Government plans on conversion therapy

In November 2021, the House of Commons Women and Equalities Committee held two public evidence sessions to explore concerns about the Government's plans to take action on conversion therapy. The Committee heard from a number of experts and interested stakeholders, and the Minister for Equalities, Mike Freer. Topics the Committee looked at in their sessions included:

  • what a definition of conversion therapy should look like

  • the issue of informed consent

  • religious freedoms

  • parental responsibilities

You can find out more about the sessions, read the transcripts and watch the proceedings here:

Following these evidence sessions, the Committee wrote to Equalities Minister Mike Freer with its views about the Government's plans for a proposed ban on conversion therapy.

Read more about the Committee's views here:

The Women and Equalities Committee is a cross-party group of MPs appointed by the House of Commons to examine the work of the Government Equalities Office (GEO). It holds Government to account on equality law and policy, including the Equality Act 2010 and cross Government activity on equalities. It also scrutinises the Equality and Human Rights Commission.

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Transgender conversion therapy ban debated by MPs

On Monday 13 June, MPs debated a petition calling for transgender people to be included in the Government's proposed conversion therapy ban, which you signed. The debate was opened by Petitions Committee member Elliot Colburn MP, and Equalities Minister Mike Freer MP responded for the Government.

Watch the debate:

Please note that technical difficulties during the debate mean that there is no sound between 1h 31m and 1h 37m. A full transcript of everything that was said during the debate, including while the sound was out, can be read here:

Read House of Commons Library research on this issue:

During the debate, MPs discussed petitioners' concerns about rising fuel costs, the impact of the recent 5p per litre cut in fuel duty, and wider concerns about the cost of living.

Government asked for update on plans to consider transgender conversion therapy

On 13 June the Minister for Equalities, Mike Freer responded to a letter from Catherine McKinnell MP, Chair of the Committee and Elliot Colburn MP, who opened the debate, asking for more details of the Government's plans regarding transgender conversion therapy. In his letter he says:

  • The Government believes that all conversion therapy practices are wrong, and we are committed to banning these practices for everyone

  • They are progressing legislation that seeks to protect everyone, including transgender people, from being subjected to practices that seek to change their sexual orientation

  • The Government will conduct “separate work” to consider the issue of transgender conversion therapy.

  • It is key that measures complement the existing clinical regulatory framework in this space, and that clinicians feel able to deliver legitimate therapies in supporting those experiencing gender dysphoria, especially those under 18

The Government also confirmed that it intends to publish its response to a recent public consultation on banning conversion therapy.

Read the full letter:

The letter is in response to a letter from Catherine McKinnell MP, Chair of the Committee and Elliot Colburn MP, who opened the debate. You can read their letter here:

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Government plans to publish draft Bill to ban conversion practices

On Tuesday 17 January the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, Michelle Donelan MP announced that the Government will publish a draft Bill which will set out a proposed approach to ban conversion practices,

Read the Minister's written statement

The Minister said the Bill will protect everyone, including those targeted on the basis of their sexuality, or being transgender.

The Government has said it will publish a draft Bill shortly, and will ask for a Joint Committee to look at the draft Bill, to help ensure that any new legislation does not cause unintended consequences.

What are written statements?

Written ministerial statements are a way for Ministers to keep Parliament up to date with Government policies and actions, including its response to major issues or incidents, and to put this information into the public domain.

Find out more about written statements

What is a draft Bill?

A draft Bill is published to enable 'pre-legislative scrutiny', which is the detailed examination of an early draft of legislation. This is done by a parliamentary select committee before the final Bill is drawn up by the Government.

Find out more about draft Bills

MPs ask Government for an update on plans to ban 'conversion therapy' practices

The Petitions Committee, the group of MPs who consider parliamentary e-petitions, has written to the Minister for Women and Equalities to request an urgent update on when the Government will introduce a legislative ban on 'conversion therapy' practices.

The Government included plans to ban these practices in the 2021 Queen's Speech, and held a consultation to help develop legislation from October 2021 to February 2022. A Conversion Therapy Bill was then included in the 2022 Queen’s Speech. However, the Bill did not progress to become law.

Legislation to ban the practices was not included in the 2023 King’s Speech, which set out the Government’s legislative programme for the remainder of this Parliament.

The Committee has asked for an update on the Government's plans. We’ll share the Government's response with you when we receive this.

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Government provides update on plans to ban 'conversion therapy' practices

The Minister for Equalities, Stuart Andrew MP, has responded to the Petitions Committee's letter asking for an urgent update on when the Government will legislate to ban 'conversion therapy' practices.

The Minister has said that the Government is determined to publish a draft conversion practices Bill for pre-legislative scrutiny. He emphasises that attempts at 'conversion therapy' are abhorrent and said that a Bill would identify those practices as a particular threat to LGBT people and confirm the illegality of harmful processes intended to change someone.

MPs hold debate on Government policy on conversion practices

On Wednesday 6 December, MPs took part in a Westminster Hall debate on Government policy on conversion practices. The debate was led by Christian Wakeford MP, and the Minister for Equalities, Stuart Andrew MP, responded to the debate on behalf of the Government.

Westminster Hall is the second chamber of the House of Commons. Westminster Hall debates give MPs an opportunity to raise local and national issues and receive a response from a government minister. Westminster Hall debates are general debates that do not end in a vote.

MPs question Minister for Women and Equalities about conversion practices

On Wednesday 13 December, MPs on the Women and Equalities Committee questioned the Minister for Women and Equalities, Kemi Badenoch MP, including about conversion practices.

The Women and Equalities Committee examines the work of the Government Equalities Office (GEO). It holds the Government to account on equality law and policy, including the Equality Act 2010 and cross Government activity on equalities. It also scrutinises the Equality and Human Rights Commission.

The Women and Equalities Committee is a ‘select committee’. Find out how Select Committees work.

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MPs debate proposals to ban conversion practices

MPs recently debated proposals to change the law to ban conversion practices, as part of a debate on a Private Member's Bill.

The proposed changes to the law did not progress further, but a Government Minister repeated the Government's commitment to bring forward draft legislation to ban conversion practices, for scrutiny by Parliament. We will update you with any news about Government legislation on this subject.

What proposals were MPs debating?

MPs were debating the Conversion Practices (Prohibition) Bill, which is a Private Member's Bill. This means the Bill was introduced by an MP who is not a government minister. Only a minority of Private Members' Bills become law, but, by creating publicity around an issue, they may affect legislation indirectly.

The Conversion Practices (Prohibition) Bill included provisions to create offences relating to practices intended to change a person’s sexual orientation, or to change a person to or from being transgender.

What has the Government said about banning conversion practices?

The Government has repeatedly committed to take action to prohibit conversion practices.

On 29 October 2021 the Government published a consultation on banning conversion therapy, to help it develop legislation for banning conversion therapy.

The Government has not published the outcome of its consultation on banning conversion practices, but has said that it will publish a draft Bill which will set out a proposed approach to ban conversion practices. Draft Bills are published to enable the detailed examination of an early draft of a Bill.

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