This petition was submitted during the 2020-2024 Conservative government

Petition Automatically suspend PR rights of parent guilty of murdering the other parent.

Provide a mechanism within existing legislation whereupon a person with parental responsibility (PR) is found guilty of murdering the other parent with PR, has PR automatically suspended throughout the duration of the term of imprisonment of the aforesaid person convicted.

More details

It is acknowledged that there is scope to restrict parental responsibility from a parent through existing legislation, however, this can often be time consuming and for some expensive. The automatic removal of PR will save those, who now care for the surviving children, the added burden of attending numerous court cases to restrict the person holding PR, who would often use these cases as an opportunity to aggravate the process and in so doing cause further distress to the family.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

130,179 signatures

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Parliament debated this topic

This topic was debated on 7 November 2022

Government responded

This response was given on 16 June 2022

The court can limit the exercise of parental responsibility, if in the best interests of the child. In the most serious cases this can effectively amount to removing all parental powers and authority.

Read the response in full

The Government recognises that in situations where one parent is convicted of the murder of the other parent, the process for restricting parental responsibility from a parent who is imprisoned can be time consuming, and that making or responding to court applications, and attending multiple court hearings on related issues of parental responsibility can often be onerous for those involved.

Current provisions
Under the Children Act 1989, the exercise of parental responsibility held by one or more individuals can already be limited by the court, where to do so is deemed to be in the best interests of the child. The Act also enables the court to prevent individuals bringing multiple unwarranted applications before the court, which can be burdensome and distressing to family members.

Where a child does not have a parent to care for them on a day-to-day basis, members of the family can apply for court orders in private law proceedings, or a local authority might initiate public law care proceedings, with a view to providing for the child’s upbringing. In making such orders the welfare of the child is always the paramount consideration of the court.

In cases where one parent has been convicted of murdering the other, the responsible local authority will have a duty to protect that child and ensure they are safeguarded from harm. This may include initiating care proceedings to provide the child with a permanent or interim care arrangement. A care arrangement can include family members, such as grandparents, aunts or uncles, being granted parental responsibility for the child. Alternatively, a local authority will acquire parental responsibility of the child where the court deems this to be in the best interests of the child.

The court can already exercise powers to effectively remove all parental powers and authority in appropriate cases. The extent to which, and the time period during which such parental rights and powers are limited, are matters for the judge to decide based on the facts of the case.

The court can also exercise powers to prevent an individual attempting to repeatedly bring issues back before the court. Section 91(14) of the Children Act 1989 allows family courts to bar individuals from making further specified applications under the Children Act 1989 without permission of the court. These orders are known as section 91(14) orders. The court can make such an order of its own motion or following an application by one of the parties involved in the private law case.

Once a section 91(14) order is in place, if an applicant subsequently seeks permission to make a relevant Children Act application, the court will generally consider whether the circumstances that gave rise to the barring order have changed. This offers protection to those persons caring for the child, removing the burden and associated distress to family members of having to go back to court multiple times.

Ministry of Justice

MPs to debate removal of parental responsibility for people convicted of serious offences

The MPs on the Petitions Committee have agreed to schedule a debate on a petition relating to the removal of parental responsibility for people convicted of serious offences, which you signed.

The debate will take place on Monday 12 September, from 4.30pm. Catherine McKinnell MP, Chair of the Committee, will open the debate. A Minister from the Ministry of Justice will respond for the Government.

Follow the debate

You can watch the debate live, or read a transcript of the debate a few hours after it ends.

Petitions Committee criticises poor response to petition

The Petitions Committee Chair Catherine McKinnell MP has written to the Ministry of Justice to criticise the Government for its “disappointing” late response to the petition you signed.

The letter to the Secretary of State for Justice asks him to ensure that the relevant Minister who responds to the debate in September provides a more direct response to the request of the petition.

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Debate Postponed

Following the sad announcement of the passing of Her late Majesty The Queen, forthcoming debates in the House of Commons have been postponed.

This includes the debate on this petition, which was due to take place on Monday 12 September.

We will email you with details of the new debate timings as soon as possible.

Government announces plans to introduce 'Jade's law'

Earlier this month the Government announced plans to change the law so parents who kill a partner or ex-partner with whom they have children will automatically have their parental responsibility suspended upon sentencing.

The Government has said the rule will apply to anyone convicted of the murder or voluntary manslaughter of a person with whom they share parental responsibility. This would then be reviewed by a judge to ensure it is in the best interests of the child. An automatic exemption would be put in place in cases where a domestic abuse victim kills their abuser.

The Government has said it will amend the Victims and Prisoners Bill to make the above change to the law. You can follow progress of this Bill on Parliament's website.

The Government's announcement follows a parliamentary debate on the petition you signed, which called on the Government to automatically suspend parental responsibility of a parent guilty of murdering the other parent.

Jade's Law campaigners nominated for Petition Campaign of the Year Award

The Petitions Committee, a cross-party group of MPs, has nominated three campaigns for the Petition Campaign of the Year Award.

The campaigners behind Jade's Law have been nominated.

The winner will be announced at the end of February, as part of the UK Parliament Week Awards.

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